How To Decorate A Wedding Tent

Every couple of months, I do a call for article ideas. I could come up with articles related to weddings all day long but I really work to write what you all want to read...and what you all need help with! And so, that brings me to today's article as I had a couple of brides not knowing how to decorate a wedding tent. So TOB (with the help of some of my friends) is here to the rescue!

If you've never seen a wedding tent before, don't be quick to judge. Personally, I think they should re-name them because they are so much more gorgeous than the word "tent" describes. And they are a blank canvas for you to design your wedding. They allow outdoor weddings to be enclosed with the beauty of the outdoors still present, and they allow rainy day weddings to still take off without a hitch. So yes, I love a beautiful tent wedding.

In my eyes, there are two ways to decorate a wedding tent - extravagant or simplistic. Either you go all out or you leave it basically as is with a little up-lighting to snazz it up. It's all up to what you're looking for...and what kind of budget you have, of course.

So I've compiled some of my favorite tent weddings, simplistic and extravagant, and if you want to see the rest of the details of these beautiful weddings, just click below the photo on the website where it came from and it will take you to the full feature!

Any brides out there having a tent wedding? What are you planning for decor? Comment below so we can all share the idea wealth!