The 5 Musts for a Healthy Bride-to-Be

Written with love, by Leah Bahrencu

Along with the stresses of everyday life, planning a wedding is an added stress that can add on extra pounds.  So from day one you want to not only focus on making your special day the most memorable event EVER, but you also want to make you and your true love look and feel the best ever.  So here are few tips to help you implement healthy into your fun engaged life.

1.      Set Goals!

Set a big goal for yourself. Then break it up that goal into smaller goals.  You want them to be attainable and realistic.  This is the perfect time to create a goal board or just write them out and have them somewhere they can be seen on a daily basis. Not only do you want to have them written down, but deadlines for each of the smaller goals need to be set.

Also, reward yourself for completing your goals.  Do NOT reward yourself with food, but with something that makes you happy...and it doesn’t have to be anything outrageous.  For example, a mani/pedi, a dinner date, a spa day or a day free of chores.   

Fitness Tips // The Overwhelmed Bride Wedding Blog

2.      Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Ladies, this is extremely important.  Not only is water good for weight loss and for general health, but your skin will look amazing if you stay hydrated.  Every day you should drink ½ your body weight in oz. Example: If you weigh 130lbs, you want to drink at least 65oz of water every day.

A great way to make sure you drink enough water daily is carry a water bottle with you.  Keep a log of how many ounces you are drinking throughout the day and make sure you are reaching your goal.

3.      Nutrition!

This is key in helping you stay on top of your goals.  You want to focus on eating in its most natural state.  Incorporate lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet.  Avoid eating as many processed foods as possible and crash or fad diets. You want nutrition to be a part of your lifestyle and those diets usually cause more damage. 

Read ingredient lists on everything.  If you are unsure of an ingredient, you can always look it up. But a good tip is if you can’t pronounce it or you don’t recognize it, it’s a pretty clear indication that food is not good for you and it’s got to go.  So get to your pantry and start reading. 

4.      Exercise is a non-negotiable!

A great way to reduce stress is by exercising.  Getting in at least 30 minutes of activity each day will benefit you not just physically, but emotionally.  Exercise boosts energy levels, relieves stress, and helps keep your body chemicals in balance.  You want to incorporate a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility.  I know on my wedding day, I not only wanted to look amazing but I wanted to feel amazing.  So I made sure I was staying active at least 6 days a week.  You can make your workouts fun and exciting by visiting the outdoors and doing something fun with your significant other.

5.       Take some time to relax!

Between wedding planning, work and your personal life, you get very busy and can feel the pressure of everything weighing down on you.  You want to remember to focus on YOU too.  You want to stay healthy and happy before the big day, so everyday block out one hour just for you.  Do something that isn’t focused on wedding planning, work, or anything else that may cause you stress. During this time, make it something that you enjoy doing whether it’s getting a massage, reading a book, listening to music or doing a hobby.   Make this your time to unwind and enjoy you.