Exercise Motivation Hacks for Brides

Written with love, by Jennifer Dene

Wedding season is here and getting motivated to exercise isn't always easy (not to mention staying motivated!) Even though sticking to a consistent workout routine can feel like an overwhelming task at this time of year, it really is worth the effort.

Not only will regular exercise help you look and feel how you want on YOUR big day, it will make you feel better in yourself and your relationship.

This week on the blog I've shared the three workout motivation hacks that will help you build that healthy habit, to feel more energized, confident and vibrant, and maintain it once and for all. 

While you're there you can press play on the latest 10 minute workout to hit Mind Body Bride.

This one is a doozy, with three superset rounds that'll get your heart rate elevated and tone every inch of your legs. Yowza! See you on the blog!

workout motivation hacks