Vegan Berry Popsicle Recipe

Written with love, by Jennifer Dene

I've got a super tasty treat for you today on Mind Body Bride! Vegan popsicles made with just three simple ingredients – coconut milk, blueberries and strawberries – to help you stay healthy, happy and cool this summer. 

I love this recipe because it satisfies my sweet tooth without causing that dreaded sugar crash later on. Plus it's one sweet treat that is actually good for your skin and body, thanks to antioxidant rich berries and vitamin rich coconut milk. 

Come on over to Mind Body Bride and grab the recipe today!

vegan berry popsicle recipe

With love,
     Jennifer Dene

Totally Toned Quick July 4th Workout

Written with love, by Jennifer Dene

quick at home full body workout

Another July 4th may be on our doorstep, don't let that stop you from reaching your bridal health and fitness goals.

Here are five tips for feeling healthy this long weekend:

1. Do a 30 minute, full body workout in the morning. I have a brand new one for you at Mind Body Bride.

2. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Add fresh lemon or lime for added health benefits. 

3. Snack on things like fresh vegetables, guacamole, and protein salads, and choose to eat only the treats that you really love. 

4. Swap sugar laden cocktails for something more refreshing, like this Kombucha Cocktails recipe.

5. Try to get to bed at a reasonable time at least one night!

If your wedding is this summer there's even more reason to stay focused and on track this July 4th weekend. No matter how fun the party will be, nothing is more exciting than your big day!

Now it's time to press play on the latest Mind Body Bride workout. Let's do it to it!

With love,
     Jennifer Dene

Sprint + Sculpt Treadmill Workout

Written with love, by Jennifer Dene

It's officially summer here in the US, and I hope that you're ready to show off your hot bridal bod in that swimsuit! 

To leave more time for summer fun — bridal showers included — I've created a short and super effective workout for you to try. This treadmill Sprint & Sculpt circuit combines strength training and cardio, for a one-and-done workout that takes less than 30 minutes. 

As a fun little extra I've shared my latest cardio playlist, featuring beats from the (also) soon-to-be-married Mariah Carey. Now that's a sweet, sweet fantasy!

See you in the workout.

at home bridal workouts

With love,
     Jennifer Dean