12 Minute Pilates Leg Workout for Brides

Written with love, by Jennifer Dene

As wedding planning season kicks up a notch it's time to start thinking about where you'll spend your honeymoon, and what activities you plan to do there! 

12 minute pilates leg workout for brides

Whether you are skiing in Japan, trekking in Hawaii, camping in Wisconsin or snorkeling off a tropical coast you want your fitness levels to allow you to do anything that you want. 

This week on the blog is a new 12 minute Pilates leg workout for brides that will trim, tone and tighten your thighs from a 360º angle, to boost endurance and increase mobility.

Join me on the blog to sculpt some seriously pin-up worthy pins that will carry you through the many adventures of your engagement, honeymoon and into life happily ever after. 

With Love,
Jennifer Dene XO